Long long ago ...
Long long ago in the past there were APLIMAT conference.... Aplimat conferences started in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2001; from then on, they have grown from 42 papers to 192 papers in 2007; from 67 participants to 246 participants (24 countries) in 2007. Nowadays, the conference has become an international forum where researchers and practitioners examine key issues in the field of applied mathematics and in the field of pedagogical methodology in mathematics education at technical and economics universities. As well as participants from universities and industries share ideas, knowledge and experiences among different disciplines.
From 2008 "Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings" started as a place for publishing selected papers from Aplimat conference.
And now "Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings" became standing alone, independent and self-reliant with a view to offer platform with strong impact for authors.
The purpose of Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings is to promote discussions and interactions between researchers and practitioners focused on disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary issues, ideas, concepts, theories, methodologies and applications.
We are particularly interested in fostering the exchange of concepts, research ideas, and other results which could contribute to the academic arena and also benefit business, and the industrial community.
What is Aplimat Journal?
Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings is an international forum for scientists and engineers, researchers and educators, theoreticians and practitioners in the fields of applied mathematics. The forum focuses onto specific disciplinary research, and also on multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary studies and projects. One of its aims is to relate disciplines, fostering analogical thinking and, hence, producing input to the logical thinking.
A Metaphor
Through Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings, we are trying to relate the analytic thinking required in focused journal´s sessions, with the synthetic thinking required for analogy development, which calls for multi-focus domain and divergent thinking. We are trying to promote synergic relationships between analytically and synthetically oriented minds, that could be found between left and right brain hemispheres, by means of the corpus callosum. Then, Aplimat - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineerings might be perceived as a forum, trying to bridge analytically and synthetically oriented efforts, convergent and divergent thinking, and focused specialists and non-focused or multi-focused generalists.
Why Aplimat Journal?
There are many good focused journals in any of the Aplimat Journal major themes. There are also very good journals even in the more specific areas that are included in the major themes of Aplimat Journal. There are also good general journals, which have a wider scope and are more comprehensive. All these journals have their typical audience.
Aplimat Journal will bring together a large variety of participants, so participants with a focused research will be able to:
- Present their focused research in a specific area for scholars/researchers specialized in their field discipline and, perhaps, for specialists from other related disciplines and generalists with a more comprehensive intellectual outlook.
- Get feedback from researchers with the same specific background, as is typical for focused journals.
- Get possible feedback from scholars/researchers in related disciplines, thereby opening the possibility of analogy development, new applications to/from different disciplines, business or industrial areas; and, possibly, new models for re-visiting some of their research problems from a different point of view.
- Prepare special issues where papers from related areas are presented, in order to increase the probability of getting the benefits.
- This would allow specialists and focused researchers to see the forest besides the tree of their discipline, and to be aware of the neighbouring trees.
Aplimat Journal authors with non-focused or multi-focused research or with a comprehensive intellectual, industrial or business interest will be able to:
- Present their research, ideas, reflections, new concepts or industrial innovations to a similar or a specialized audience, so suggestions about possible improvements could emerge and possibly new research or development projects could come out into view.
- Present ideas that would require multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary efforts to be researched or developed in action-research programs.
- Constitute international, multi- and/or inter-disciplinary teams or workgroups in order to conduct research requiring synergic relationships among different kinds of abilities, cognitive styles, intellectual faculties and/or research/industrial interests.
- Create new research areas, based on both: a general framework and various disciplines or focused research areas.
- Prepare Special issues about a specific or a general theme.